A look at the body through JENGA
A brilliant colleague and friend (Kathy Dooley) recently wrote about an interesting observation she made while playing Jenga with her...

How breathing can influence back pain
When you inhale do your shoulder rise up toward your ears, does your neck tighten and does your stomach pull in? If you answered yes,...

6 Things You Should Know About Pain
6 Things to know about pain 1. Pain is a SYMPTOM. But it is NOT an “X marks the spot,” TREAT HERE kind of symptoms. a. Yes we want to...

What are you going to do about it?
Stop chasing your pain! Pain doesn’t tell you where the problem exists; it only tells you there IS a problem. Any system that teaches you...

Two reasons you might be experiencing elbow pain
Two reasons you might be having elbow pain! The elbow is a hinge joint. It flexes and it extends. But what if you lack the ability to...

2 reasons you might be experiencing calf pain when running.
If you've ever experienced calf pain while running, you know how frustrating it can be! We often stretch or foam roll the crap out of our...

Should We Be Stretching? Research is suggesting no.
Most of us were taught from an early age that stretching makes you "looser". We were told that holding a pose, such as touching your...
The Sit to Stand Test!! What's your score?
Please read with an appreciation for the science but also with skepticism :) Flexibility, balance and muscle strength are key indicators...

4 Reasons You Might Be Stuck In A Dysfunctional Compensation Pattern
Compensation patterns can form when a muscle or group of muscles is unable (for many different reasons) to properly move a joint through...

What can long-standing knee, hip, low back and neck pain have in common?
What do long-standing and aggravating knee, hip, low back and neck pain have in common? They can all be related to an ankle sprain. An...