Muscle Rolling Classes
Using therapy balls, these classes are deigned to help reset your body. Each class will have a different focus of improving upper body, lower body or core dysfunction. Muscle rolling classes are for anyone who needs a little sore and achy muscle relief.
Foundations Of Movement
"The BIG question: Why do things hurt? Why do we adapt a particular posture or way of moving, even if it is less desirous long term? Why do we adopt 'dysfunctional' patterns?
The SIMPLE answer: Because that's what we have to do to survive.
Pain serves simply as information we can use to help us change and create new opportunities. Inefficient movement presents in our bodies as a result of us bravely coping with an internal or external stressor, sometimes expressed as pain." - Monika V
Starting JUNE 9th 2016
@ 7:30pm
Learn about your posture, movement and compensation patterns with an in depth three-dimensional exploration of your body in motion. Discover new movement strategies and unlock damaging ones. Expose forgotten areas of injury and uncover how and why your body compensates to avoid pain or uncertainty.
During this workshop we will be exploring three key structures, your pelvis, rib case and skull and their interaction through the spine. When these structures understand how to interact with one another we become more stable and mobile at our center - our foundation on which we build and create more complex movement.
What to expect during the workshop:
An individual experience of learning where your body feels free and safe to move, and where it doesn’t
A new perspective and understanding of movement and how interconnected our body really is
Strategies for avoiding pain and injury
Movement patterns for improving performance
Movement patterns for reducing pain and recovering from injury
Self massage and release techniques using therapy balls
A safe and fun environment to explore your own movement potential
A noticeable change in how you feel and move
Saturday's at 9:30am at Beyond Obstacles 741 Muskoka Rd 3 North Huntsville