4 Reasons You Might Be Stuck In A Dysfunctional Compensation Pattern
Compensation patterns can form when a muscle or group of muscles is unable (for many different reasons) to properly move a joint through a range of motion. They can also form when there is a restriction within a joint that does not allow the joint to move freely, regardless of muscular strength. Like and injury even if that injury is years old!
Compensation patterns will only work for so long before that alternative muscle pattern breaks down. Your body usually tries to tell you with a pain here, or an odd movement there... that it is your body compensating. If you can listen to it, try to figure out what is going on, and correct it, you can help prevent injury and avoid missing out on games, events, or work.
Here are 4 reasons you might be stuck in a dysfunctional compensation pattern:
1. Chronic muscle tightness no matter how much you stretch.
2. Unusual or unrealized tenderness in the same muscles over and over again you find during massage or manual therapy, foam rolling, etc.
3. That one muscle that always seem to get sore during or after your run or workout.
4. You keep experiencing the same recurring injury.
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